business opportunity

Share Purium with your friends, family, and neighbors.

Help them discover the benefits of a healthier lifestyle and the superior quality of our wellness products. Spread the word about Purium and invite others to experience the positive impact it can have on their well-being and vitality.

Power and Protein Shakes

be your own boss

Become Your Own Boss with Pure Wellness Care
We understand the allure and challenges of entrepreneurship in the wellness industry. Starting your business allows you to set your own schedule and pursue your passion. However, it requires dedication, hard work, and a well-thought-out plan.

Pure Wellness Care provides resources and support for those looking to establish their own business. Whether you're a seasoned wellness coach or a newbie, we offer guidance and tools to help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship in the wellness industry.

It’s a win-win

  • Get paid to make a positive difference in people’s lives through your own nutrition e-commerce store.

  • No franchise fees or inventory to track because the hard work is done for you.

  • You’ll receive all the tools, training and support to help ensure your success.


To attend live webinars follow me on Instagram @cynitam.

support group

join a lifetime wellness network and discover how to use my tried-and-true strategies to grow your superfoods business.

Facebook Group

Whatsapp Community

Sales Coaching

"Everything starts with a concept. Perhaps you'd like to start a company. Perhaps you'd like to develop your pastime into something more. Or perhaps you want to share what you learn with others.